
DNA Replication
What is DNA?
DNA Replication and Repair
Steps of DNA Replication
Enzymes of DNA Replication
Videos of DNA Replication
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DNA Replication

Cells do not live forever! therefore they must pass their genetic information on to new cells, and be able to replicate the DNA to be passed on to offspring. It is also required that fragments of DNA (genes) have to be copied to code for particular bodily function. The most important part in DNA replication is that there must not be any mistakes. In order for replication to occur, the following must be available:

• The actual DNA to act as an exact template
• Relevant and freely available nucleotides
• A supply of the relevant enzymes to start and continue the reaction
• ATP to provide energy for these reactions to occur

The Process

In eukaryotic cells (cells that have a nucleus) the DNA is formed in two strands, each composed of subunits called Nucleotides. The two strands look like two chains that form the DNA Double Helix. This double helix structure uncoils so that each strand of DNA can be exposed so it can be replicated, eventually producing 2 copies of itself through each strand. It is said that the replication of DNA is semi-conservative, because only 50% of the original genetic material from its parent is copied. These 2 new copies have the exact DNA that was in the previous one. This replication is what allows genetic information to be passed from cell to cell and from parents to offspring.
Interested in the steps of DNA replication? Click here

Work Cited: http://www.biology-online.org/1/5_DNA.htm